Luther the Expositor
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Luther's Works, Volume 1 (Lectures on Genesis Chapters 1-5)
Luther's Works, Volume 1 (Lectures on Genesis Chapters 1-5) discusses the first five chapters of Genesis, including the Creation, the Fall, the First Brothers, and the line of Adam.
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Luther's Works, Volume 10 (Lectures on the Psalms I)
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Luther's Works, Volume 11 (Lectures on the Psalms II)
Luther's Works, Volume 11 (Lectures on the Psalms II) contains lectures on Psalms 76-126.
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Luther's Works, Volume 12 (Selected Psalms I)
Luther's Works, Volume 12 (Selected Psalms I) contains Luther's commentaries on selected psalms beloved by Christians everywhere.
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Luther's Works, Volume 13 (Selected Psalms II)
Luther's Works, Volume 13 (Selected Psalms II) contains Luther's commentaries on selected psalms beloved by Christians everywhere.
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Luther's Works, Volume 14 (Selected Psalms III)
Luther's Works, Volume 14 (Selected Psalms III) contains Luther's commentaries on selected psalms beloved by Christians everywhere.
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Luther's Works, Volume 15 (Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon & Last Words of David)
Luther's Works, Volume 15 (Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon & Last Words of David) offers interpretations of three Old Testament texts that are often poorly translated or often misinterpreted. Luther provides fresh interpretations of Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon, calling upon readers to view them as "Solomon's Economics" and "Solomon's Politics." Luther then offers readers a line-by-line commentary on 1 Samuel 23:1-7, as an example of simple, clear interpretation that keeps as its goal "to recognize our dear Lord and Savior clearly and distinctly in Scripture."
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Luther's Works, Volume 16 (Lectures on Isaiah Chapters 1-39)
In Luther's Works, Volume 16 (Lectures on Isaiah Chapters 1-39), Luther bids readers to learn from Isaiah that we are helped and protected by God as the people of Israel were and that we are also chastened like them when this is necessary.
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Luther's Works, Volume 17 (Lectures on Isaiah Chapters 40-66)
Luther's Works, Volume 17 (Lectures on Isaiah Chapters 40-66) is Luther's discourse on the second half of Isaiah.
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Luther's Works, Volume 18 (Lectures on Minor Prophets I)
Luther's Works, Volume 18 (Lectures Minor Prophets I) contains Luther's lectures on Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Micah, Nahum, Zephaniah, Haggai, and Malachi.
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Luther's Works, Volume 19 (Lectures on the Minor Prophets II)
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Luther's Works, Volume 2 (Lectures on Genesis Chapters 6-14)
Luther's Works, Volume 2 (Lectures on Genesis Chapters 6-14) discuss the Flood, Noah and his descendants, the Tower of Babel, and Abram and Lot.
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Luther's Works, Volume 20 (Lectures on the Minor Prophets III)
Luther's Works, Volume 20 (Lectures Minor Prophets III) contains Luther's lectures on Zechariah.
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Luther's Works, Volume 21 (Sermon on the Mount and the Magnificat)
In Luther's Works, Volume 21: (Sermon on the Mount and the Magnificat), Lutheran speaks about faith, good works, prayer, Christian love, the giving of alms, war, bearing witness to the Truh, virtues and vices, and the everlasting love of Christ.
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Luther's Works, Volume 22 (Sermons on Gospel of St John Chapters 1-4)
Luther's Works, Volume 22 (Sermons on Gospel of St. John Chapters 1-4) includes 53 sermons that illustrate Luther's eloquence as a preacher. In it, Luther warns against the perversion of Scripture, and speaks boldly and bluntly against sins rampant in his day and sins that will afflict mankind until the end of time.
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Luther's Works, Volume 23 (Sermons on Gospel of St John Chapters 6-8)
In Luther's Works, Volume 23 (Sermons on Gospel of St. John Chapters 6-8), Luther lays special stress on what John states about the Messiah as the one and only Way to salvation, and about good works as the inevitable fruits of that faith.
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Luther's Works, Volume 24 (Sermons on Gospel of St John Chapters 14-16)
In Luther's Works, Volume 24 (Sermons on Gospel of St. John Chapters 14-16), Luther states that he is "resolved to interpret these chapters for the common man, but especially to defend and preserve the true and pure doctrine of Christ and of the Christian faith against the vile mob of the devil, whether present or future."
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Luther's Works, Volume 25 (Lectures on Romans)
In Luther's Works, Volume 25 (Lectures on Romans), Luther shares with his students the great find of his life, "that place in Paul which was for me truly the gate of Paradise."
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Luther's Works, Volume 26 (Lectures on Galatians Chapters 1-4)
Just as St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians has been called the Magna Carta of Christian freedom, so the Lectures on Galatians delivered by Martin Luther in 1531 and published for the first time in 1535 have been hailed as Luther's Magna Carta of Christian liberty.
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Luther's Works, Volume 27 (Lectures on Galatians Chapters 5-6)
Luther's Works, Volume 27 (Lectures on Galatians Chapters 5-6) is the second of two volumes dedicated to Luther's lectures on Galatians.
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Luther's Works, Volume 28 (Selected Pauline Epistles)
In Luther's Works, Volume 28 (Selected Pauline Epistles), Luther offers three short commentaries on Pauline Epistles that were written with a particular purpose and called for by a specific need.
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Luther's Works, Volume 29 (Lectures on Titus, Philemon & Hebrews)
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Luther's Works, Volume 3 (Lectures on Genesis Chapters 15-20)
Luther's Works, Volume 3 (Lectures on Genesis Chapters 15-20) discusses Abraham, Sarah, Hagar, Ishmael, Lot, and others.
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Luther's Works, Volume 30 (The Catholic Epistles)
Luther's Works, Volume 30 (The Catholic Epistles) contains sermons on the first and second Epistles of St. Peter, sermons on the Epistle of St. Jude, and lectures on the first Epistle of St. John.
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