
Andreae and the Formula of Concord

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Andreae and the Formula of Concord
The only English translation of a series of sermons by Lutheran theologian, Jacob Andreae, that proved to be critical in the development of the Lutheran Confessions, particularly the Formula of Concord. Jackob Andreae worked tirelessly to unite Lutherans after the death of Martin Luther in 1546. Dr. Robert Kolb offers the historical background for these sermons, the offers an English translation of these six sermons.

Augsburg Confession: A Commentary

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Augsburg Confession: A Commentary
A concise commentary, highly useful as an accompaniment to the reading of the Augsburg Confession itself. All who are interested in the doctrinal traditions of the Lutheran Church can find here the means to increase their theological and historical understanding of the text. The theological perspective of the Augsburg Confession is made clear by comparisons with the writings of Luther and other Reformers, as well as with other main streams of the Christian tradition. Included for each article of the confession are the English translation of the text, notes on the text, and theological and historical commentary on the meaning of the article. Also included are an extensive introduction to the writing of the confession, footnotes, a selected bibliography, and an index. In its Danish, Swedish, and German editions this commentary has become a indispensable introduction to this classic confession of the Lutheran Reformation. Here is a source of fresh insight into the meaning of the Augsburg Confession -- and guidance into the meaning of the gospel for today.
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Augsburg Confession: With Introduction, Commentary, and Study Guide

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Augsburg Confession: With Introduction, Commentary, and Study Guide

The Augsburg Confession is a unique document in the history of the Christian church, containing both a succinct summary of the heart of Christian teaching and a defense of the changes in practice introduced by Martin Luther and the Wittenberg reformers. Robert Kolb and Timothy J. Wengert invite readers on an accessible journey into the heart of this foundational confession--as well as the minds of primary author Philip Melanchthon and the other reformers at the heart of the emerging Lutheran movement.

Kolb and Wengert use the version of the Augsburg Confession translated by Eric W. Gritsch for the 2000 Book of Concord, but also offer readers fresh insight into the history and evolution of this document by including cross-references to the editio princeps of 1531, the first official published edition of the confession. In addition to thorough introductions to the document and to each article, readers will benefit from extensive footnotes, extensive marginal comments, and appendices including important variations from the editio princeps, topics for discussion tailored to each article, and suggestions for further reading.

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Augsburg Today

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Augsburg Today
Augsburg Today: This We Believe, Teach and Confess is an overview of Lutheran doctrine as contained in the Augsburg Confession. It is prefaced by a complete translation of the Confession. Each chapter includes references to the Confession and an interpretation and application of its teachings, questions for reflection and discussion.
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Book of Concord

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Book of Concord
Confessional writings of the Lutheran Church and other information essential to understanding the confessions.
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Book of Concord: The Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church

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Book of Concord: The Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church

Commissioned in 1993, this translation of The Book of Concord brings a new generation of scholarship and sensitivities to bear on the foundational texts of Lutheran identity. The fifth English translation since 1851, this edition succeeds that edited by Theodore Tappert published in 1959 by Muhlenburg Press.

A review of the text in light of a mountain of new scholarship and other factors dictated the new translation and apparatus, including changes in the English language over the past forty years, differences in the training and preparation of seminarians and pastors, limitations in the introductions and annotations to the various parts of the book, new knowledge of the history and theology of these very documents, and the occasional error in Tappert's translation.

Kolb and Wengert's team of leading Reformation historians was augmented by consultation with one hundred other scholars and teachers who use The Book of Concord continually, and two other teams of scholars who have reviewed the translations. In coming years, two volumes of related documents will follow.

Benefits of this new translation:

Expanded introductions and annotations offer richer historical context

New translation aims at accessible but accurate translation

Format is easier to read and use

Leading American scholars have been involved or consulted

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Concordia Triglotta (POD)

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Concordia Triglotta (POD)

Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions - Pocket Edition - Bonded Leather

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Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions - Pocket Edition - Bonded Leather
Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions - Pocket Edition - Bonded Leather

Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions - Pocket Edition - Genuine Leather

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Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions - Pocket Edition - Genuine Leather
Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions - Pocket Edition - Genuine Leather

Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions-A Readers Edition of the Book of Concord - 2nd edition

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Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions-A Readers Edition of the Book of Concord - 2nd edition
The Book of Concord is the authoritative collection of the Lutheran Church's statements of faith. It contains documents Lutheran Christians have used since the sixteenth century to explain, defend, and advance their witness to the truth of God's Word. This edition of the Lutheran Confessions instructs, inspires, and educates all who use it and helps readers learn what it means to be, and to remain, a genuinely confessing Lutheran Christian.

In this new edition, readers will encounter the dramatic history and heroic persons associated with the various documents in the Lutheran Confessions. Helpful introductions, insightful notes and annotations, and new tools and guides aid reading and comprehension.

Additional features:

- An expanded timeline and general index

- Enhanced page layout features and design elements

- New essays in the introduction that provide an overview of the textual issues and history of the Lutheran Confessions

- A summary of the nature and meaning of the Church's

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Confessional Principle and the Confessions of the Lutheran Church, as Embodying the Evangelical Confession of the Christian Church(2016 Reprint)

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Confessional Principle and the Confessions of the Lutheran Church, as Embodying the Evangelical Confession of the Christian Church(2016 Reprint)

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.

This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.

As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

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Contemporary Look at the Formula of Concord

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Contemporary Look at the Formula of Concord- Out of Print March,2013
Essays examine the Formula of Concord in terms of its relevance and applicability to the church today.
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Diving into Concord And Coming Out Lutheran

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Diving into Concord And Coming Out Lutheran

Doctrine of Faith: A Study of the Augsbury Confession

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Doctrine of Faith: A Study of the Augsbury Confession
The Doctrine of Faith is invaluable for understanding the theological dimension of today's ecumenical dialogues. Beck takes you back to the sixteenth century for painstaking and incisive exegesis of the doctrine of justification by grace through faith for Christ's sake. His careful analysis is based on the historical source documents and Melanchthon's finished confession itself. He compares the Augsburg Confession to modern ecumenical dialogs.
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Getting Into Formula of Concord

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Getting Into Formula of Concord

For 30 years after Luther's death, terrible dissension and doctrinal unrest tore at the Lutheran churches. The Formula of Concord provided unity and concord on the solid base of Holy Scripture. This book arrangement, with its appended set of questions, is ideal for individual readers and group discussions.

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Historical Introductions to the Book of Concord

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Historical Introductions to the Book of Concord

Historical Introductions to the Lutheran Confessions

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Historical Introductions to the Lutheran Confessions
The history of the Lutheran Confessions is the story of men and women who risked everything, and in some cases died, for the sake of the truth of God's Word. Friederich Bente tells the dramatic story of their joys and sorrows, their defeats and victories, their fear and their courage, with a wealth of detailed first-hand reports and eyewitness accounts of the events, people, and places that make up the dramatic history of the Lutheran Confessions. Lutheran Christians who fail to remember their history are cast adrift in an increasingly stormy sea of controversy, division, and disregard for our Lord's Word and Sacraments. What is more, they rob themselves of the opportunity to thank and praise the Lord of the Church for His rich and varied blessings through specific persons, events, places, and times.
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Libro de Concordia (The Book of Concord) (Spanish Edition)

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Libro de Concordia (The Book of Concord) (Spanish Edition)
The confessional writings of the Lutheran church, including the Augsburg Confessions, the Apology, the Smalcald Articles, and the Large and Small Catechisms."
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Lutheran Confessions: Augsburg Confession and Its Apology Study Guide

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Lutheran Confessions: Augsburg Confession and Its Apology Study Guide

This revised and expanded study offers a 13-session examination of the Augsburg Confession and Its Apology as found in Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions. Leaders notes for The Augsburg Confession and Its Aplogy are available in the Leader Guide.

Each session highlights the Law and Gospel and helps participants grow in their knowledge and understanding of the teachings of the Lutheran Church and its relevance to everyday life. This study can be used by groups or for individual study.

More about the Lutheran Confessions series

The Lutheran Confession series presents a comprehensive introduction to major Lutheran writings. It is designed to be a convenient study for use by more advanced students, or small groups who want to take an in-depth look at the teachings of the Lutheran Church. For ease of use and study, each book in this series includes excerpts from the relevant confessional document. These is no need for students--or instructors--to purchase a complete set of catechisms, or copies of the Augsburg Confessions or Book of Concord in order to enjoy and benefit from these studies.

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Lutheran Confessions: Formula of Concord Study Guide

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Lutheran Confessions: Formula of Concord Study Guide
The Formula of Concord is an in-depth, thirteen session study that provides a thorough review of both the Formula of Concord in an engaging style, with complete excerpts. This guide has leader notes for the Formula of Concord study, which is available separately in print and as a download.

More about the Lutheran Confessions series
The Lutheran Confession series presents a comprehensive introduction to major Lutheran writings. It is designed to be a convenient study for use by more advanced students, or small groups who want to take an in-depth look at the teachings of the Lutheran Church. For ease of use and study, each book in this series includes excerpts from the relevant confessional document. These is no need for students--or instructors--to purchase a complete set of catechisms, or copies of the Augsburg Confessions or Book of Concord in order to enjoy and benefit from these studies.
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Lutheran Confessions: History and Theology of the Book of Concord

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Lutheran Confessions: History and Theology of the Book of Concord

From their formulation in the sixteenth century through the present day, every generation of Lutheran leadership has grappled with the centrality and importance of the Lutheran confessional writings.

In this important new volume, Arand, Kolb, and Nestingen bring the fruit of an entire generation of scholarship to bear on these documents, making it an essential and up-to-date class text.

The Lutheran Confessions places the documents solidly within their political, social, ecclesiastical, and theological contexts, relating them to the world in which they took place, and assists readers in understanding the issues at stake in the narratives, both in their own time and in ours.

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Lutheran Difference (new edition)

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Lutheran Difference (new edition)

This book began as a popular eighteen-booklet Bible Study series. In this new work, we gather together all the rich content of the series, order it around the Nicene Creed, and present it in one accessible volume so readers can access the facts they need.

As Lutherans interact with other Christians, they often find themselves struggling to explain their beliefs and practices. Although many Lutherans have learned the "what" of the doctrines of the Church, they do not always have a full scriptural foundation to share the "why." When confronted with different doctrines or denominations, they sometimes cannot clearly state their faith-much less understand the differences.

Because of insecurities about explaining particular doctrines or practices, some Lutherans may avoid opportunities to share what they have learned from Christ and His Word. The Lutheran Difference identifies how Lutherans differ from other Christians and shows from the Bible why Lutherans differ. Such information will prepare Lutherans to share their faith clearly; it will help non-Lutherans understand the Lutheran difference.

This book was written entirely for the lay person but may also serve well as a high school or college religion class text. This resource would be handy for anyone looking for an additional resource beyond Luther's Small Catechism.

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New Look at the Lutheran Confessions

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New Look at the Lutheran Confessions

This book deals with Reformation theology in terms of its historical context and its relevance to the late 20th-century theological scene.

A New Look at the Lutheran Confessions distinguishes and discusses the significant differences between Roman and Protestant views, particularly those differences pertinent to contemporary ecumenical encounters. The author also explores the relationship between the private writings of Luther and Melanchthon and the confessional writings that they produced between 1529 and 1537.

An introduction to previous works by other scholars in this field precedes chapters dealing with basic topics

  • The Bible, Scripture and tradition
  • Law and Gospel
  • The Trinity
  • Justification
  • The sacraments
  • Ministry and the church
  • Christian life.

  • ISBN/SKU: 
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    Outline of the Book of Concord

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    Outline of the Book of Concord
    Book by Lange, Lyle W
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    Sources and Contexts of the Book of Concord (POD)

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    Sources and Contexts of the Book of Concord - POD Not Returnable
    Born in controversy and raised in university settings, the Lutheran reform movement was embroiled immediately, publicly, and perennially in theological disputes and political battles. While controversies during Martin Luther's lifetime centered on disagreements with Rome and Geneva, present and later differences emerged over interpreting Luther's and Melanchthon's theologies on such issues as governmental interference, liturgical practices, justification's implications for good works and sin, the Lord's supper, and election. It is this defining dis-concord, alternating with attempts at concord and conciliation, that is reflected in the documents newly translated in this indispensable documentary companion to The Book of Concord, which includes the works of Agricola, Eck, Chemnitz, Melanchthon, and Luther.
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