Christian Living

(Dis)ordered: Lies about Human Nature and the Truth That Sets Us Free

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(Dis)ordered: Lies about Human Nature and the Truth That Sets Us Free
Culture likes to tell us who we are. How are we supposed to navigate our desires, fears, and longing for purpose when culture claims that we're just born a certain way and can't help it? With (Dis)ordered: Lies about Human Nature and the Truth That Sets Us Free, readers will dive into difficult topics that increasingly press in on churches, workplaces, and daily lives. Readers will affirm their identity in Christ and discover encouragement for struggles with sin as Pastor Christopher Esget masterfully navigates the topic of human nature. A valuable and timely resource, (Dis)ordered addresses hot-button issues, such as lust and destruction, fear of death, battling demons, and sexual identity.
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Aelred of Rievaulx: Spiritual Friendship

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Aelred of Rievaulx: Spiritual Friendship

Spiritual Friendship is today the best known and perhaps most influential of the thirteen surviving works of Aelred, abbot of the great English Cistercian abbey of Rievaulx from 1147 '1167. During his abbacy he built Rievaulx into a place of spiritual welcome and physical prosperity, desiring to make it a mother of mercy" to those in need. In a three-book Ciceronian dialogue Aelred defines human friendship as sacramental, beginning in creation, as God sought to place his own love of society in all his creatures, linking friends to Christ in this life and culminating in friendship with God in beatitude. This fresh new translation makes the work crisply readable, allowing the intellectual and Christian insight of this great Cistercian teacher and writer to speak clearly to today's seekers of love, wisdom, and truth.

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Afraid: Demon Possession and Spiritual Warfare in America

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Afraid: Demon Possession and Spiritual Warfare in America
A fascinating and unnerving book, Afraid is a must-read that equips Christians to recognize the devil's influence in our society. Author Robert Bennett describes real events and actual confessions people have shared with him of demonic encounters-in America, in our modern age. Summoning demons, interacting with "ghosts," and holding séances led to what many may call horrifying hallucinations and even schizophrenia. But for many Americans, these things are their spirituality. How can we break free from the despair and crushing fear that such encounters can bring? How do we come to the aid of our neighbors who are lost in Satan's deceptions? Bennett points us to the only way out: God's grace and the medicines He gives to His people.
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Angels' Portion, Volume 3: A Clergyman's Whisk(e)y Narrative

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Angels' Portion, Volume 3: A Clergyman's Whisk(e)y Narrative

"The stories," Reverend Thoma writes, "are never applied to the whiskies. The whiskies reveal the stories... In the process of sniffing, sipping, and finishing a dram, the story is fetched and the whisky's heart is rendered. Sometimes the story includes Darth Vader. Another time there may be a shark named Gary, or an unfortunate brawl with Santa Claus at Walmart."

As it was with Volumes I and II, so goes Volume III. Thoma, with his signature style and creativity, never fails to delight nor lose pace in his effort to enlighten and entertain.

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Angels' Portion: Volume 4: A Clergyman's Whisk(e)y Narrative

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Angels' Portion: Volume 4: A Clergyman's Whisk(e)y Narrative
Everything has its story. In this fourth installment of The Angels' Portion series, both the gentle and jagged (and almost always hilarious) rites and ceremonies of life's narratives pour once again from Reverend Thoma's pen. More than the observations of a social critic, The Angels' Portion is a plentiful collection of whisky scribblings in whimsical examination of all things human. Every sip proves itself generous and thirst quenching.ENDORSEMENTS: It's the various distilleries throughout the world that make the whiskies, but it's Reverend Thoma's eloquence that makes me want to try them. He's incredibly clever, being careful with his wit and sorting his words so that the reader can't resist the lure of his narrative style. But often in the midst of his humorism, one realizes he's not just having fun. He's teaching, too, and as he does, he reveals a friendly depth as a storyteller that's refreshing for our day. His observations in all things-literature, family, culture, theology, politics, you name it-cause one to stop and think more intently than before. By the end of each review (if that's at all what you can call each of the chapters in this delightful volume), you will have discovered something of yourself and the world in which you dwell, and you'll be better for it.DINESH D'SOUZAAuthor and FilmmakerLikely the real mind behind the incandescent light bulb, I'm betting Thoma invented the skull that goes on top of the Hurst floor shifter, too. He's a remarkable man. Chris-a glass of whiskey in one hand, a Bible in the other, AC/DC blaring at ear bleed levels-is my kind of Reverend. And I know he's armed to the teeth. I like that. If he writes something, read it. The man is all the way live and genuine, and his writing is the proof. If you're shy and don't get out much-basically introverted-make sure to read this book. It'll add new dimensions to your life you didn't even know existed. Who knows? You may even run away from home and become the leader of a pack of super models. Dig in. And dig in DEEP. Get, read, and share The Angels' Portion! You'll be more than glad you did.THAYRONE XHost of "On the Edge with Thayrone"WAAM Radio, Ann Arbor, MichiganThis is the fourth book in a must-read series of hilariously endearing stories. Some are sweet. Some are sour. All are completely relatable. Most of all, while they prove Reverend Thoma's mind is versatile, they also prove he's pretty twisted.LAHNA TURNERComedian, Actress, & SongwriterIt seems the saying that the loneliest person in the world is a man on a rainy day with nothing to read may be only half true. Add whisky to the list of miserable omissions and only then is the saying complete. Chris Thoma-a Lutheran pastor, author, family man, and humorist-demonstrates this in the fourth volume of his The Angels' Portion series. He depicts both the wisdom and joys of an angelic palate, and he gives all glory to God, the generous giver of the divine elixir. Move over Mark Twain. Thoma is vying for your crown! JIM WESTAuthor ofDrinking With Calvin and Luther: A History of Alcohol in the Church
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Baptism of Your Child - Milestones

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The Baptism of Your Child - Milestones
Lutheran parents learn how to prepare for Baptism and how to serve as faith instructors with The Baptism of Your Child. Pastors can use this book to help explain the rite of Baptism and what the catechism teaches. Specific strategies, tips, and resources are included for the child's first three years of development to help parents teach and model the Christian faith. The Baptism of Your Child also includes an explanation of the Baptism service from the Lutheran Service Book, models for family devotions and prayer, and pages for memories and notes. This is an ideal book for Lutheran churches to distribute to expecting and new parents.
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Battle of the Soul: Luther Reforms Vice and Virtue

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Battle of the Soul: Luther Reforms Vice and Virtue
"Using the writings of Martin Luther, Michael T. Fieberkorn opens the vice and virtue tradition to the Lutheran audience. Part 1 discusses how Luther reframes vices as unbelief and virtue as part of the Christian's new life in Christ. Part 2 explores the relationship between vice, virtue, and the Ten Commandments and how it plays out in the life of a Christian"--
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Bioethics: A Primer for Christians, 4th Ed.

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Bioethics: A Primer for Christians, 4th Ed.

Amid continuing advances in medical research and treatment, Gilbert Meilaender's Bioethics has long provided thoughtful guidance on many of society's most difficult moral problems--including abortion, assisted reproduction, genetic experimentation, euthanasia, and much more. In this fourth edition, Meilaender updates much of the data referenced in the book and responds directly to recent developments, such as the CRISPR/Cas9 method of gene editing. Christians seeking discernment in this new decade will appreciate Meilaender's circumspect writing and his ability to address the nuances of each issue while maintaining strong and clearly stated moral convictions.

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Blurred Cross: A Writer's Difficult Journey with God

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Blurred Cross: A Writer's Difficult Journey with God
In early 2022, esteemed New Testament scholar Richard Bauckham nearly lost his ability to read--an alarming prospect for a man who considers reading, writing, and scholarly work to be his vocation from God. Despite it being one of the most difficult times of his life, it was also a period in which Bauckham felt closest to God.

In this beautifully written book, Bauckham combines memoir, theological and biblical reflection, and poetry to offer profound insight into God's providence amid life's difficulties. He discusses relevant aspects of his earlier life, delves into the time when his eyesight began to deteriorate, and reflects on issues that arose during that period. The book also includes generous amounts of Bauckham's own poetry.

Throughout his experience, Bauckham maintained a close relationship with God and drew nearer to him. His journey with God during this time led him to contemplate God's purpose for his life and how he can live in a way that reflects his overwhelming sense of gratitude. He shares his story as a way of encouraging others in their own unique walk with God.

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Bright Valley of Love

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Bright Valley of Love

Choir Immortal

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Choir Immortal

The people of Zion are at it again.

Two of their very own are getting married, and everyone is pleased as punch to be hosting Bradbury's wedding of the century. Their collective joy is short lived, however, as busted air-conditioners, melting cakes, and a trip to the emergency room intrude upon the celebration.

Yet the congregation rallies. Led by Pastor Fletcher and the stalwart Mrs. Scheinberg, they turn in faith to God's promises of life and salvation to see one another through trying days that demand patience, prayer, and perhaps another batch of cinnamon rolls.

Emily Duke, Pastor Fletcher, and the rest of Zion's quirky flock return in this compelling sequel to House of Living Stones, proving that life in a small town is anything but small.

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Crisis of Confidence: Reclaiming the Historic Faith in a Culture Consumed with Individualism and Identity

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Crisis of Confidence: Reclaiming the Historic Faith in a Culture Consumed with Individualism and Identity

Carl Trueman Analyzes How Ancient Creeds and Confessions Protect and Promote Biblical Christianity in a Culture of Expressive Individualism

Historic statements of faith--such as the Heidelberg Catechism, the Apostles' Creed, and the Westminster Confession of Faith--have helped the Christian church articulate and adhere to God's truth for centuries. However, many modern evangelicals reject these historic documents and the practices of catechesis, proclaiming their commitment to "no creed but the Bible." And yet, in today's rapidly changing culture, ancient liturgical tradition is not only biblical--it's essential.

In Crisis of Confidence, Carl Trueman analyzes how creeds and confessions can help the Christian church navigate modern concerns, particularly around the fraught issue of identity. He contends that statements of faith promote humility, moral structure, and a godly view of personhood, helping believers maintain a strong foundation amid a culture in crisis. This is a revised edition of Trueman's The Creedal Imperative, now with a new section on the rise of expressive individualism.

  • Updated Edition of The Creedal Imperative: Includes fresh cultural insights on modern individualism
  • Written by Carl Trueman: Author of The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self (100,000+ copies sold)
  • Theological and Historical: Explains why creeds and confessions are necessary, how they have developed over time, and how they can function in the church of today and tomorrow
  • Ideal for Pastors, Professors, and Those Interested in Liturgical Tradition
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Deliver Us: God's Rescue Story in Exodus

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Deliver Us: God's Rescue Story in Exodus

God's Song of Deliverance is your song, too. Dive into Exodus with author Reed Lessing to discover the beat, rhythm, and cadence of Exodus-of your story and your song.

Learn how Exodus expounds on Genesis, continuing the never-ending song while telling the riveting story of the Israelites being delivered out of Egypt, out of slavery, and into God's care through the wilderness. Be encouraged by reminders of God's presence and His actions in your life through His delivering of the Israelites from slavery. Find Christ in the Old Testament through His presence, predictions, and patterns. See how God reveals His name and character to His people throughout Exodus.

Lessing will dig deeper into the Ten Plagues, the Ten Commandments, and more with a theological background and easy-to-understand vocabulary. Are you ready to dive in?

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Detransition Diaries

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Detransition Diaries

We live in unprecedented times, when what was known for thousands of years, that we are created male and female, is now up for debate. It is now controversial to see that sex is binary, that a man can never become a woman, nor a woman a man, and that men should not enter women's sports, women's bathrooms, and women's prisons, merely for saying that they are a woman. We are witnessing a rapid rise in gender confusion among young people, especially among young women and girls.

The Detransition Diaries is both personal and historical. It is personal in that it recounts the stories of five women and two men who felt they were born in the wrong body and believed the lie they were told by peers, teachers, and medical professionals that they could be their "true" selves by medically and surgically altering their bodies to match the opposite sex. Their stories describe the short- and long-term harm that so-called gender-affirmative medicine did to their mental and physical health. The book is historical because it outlines the history of the "gender-affirmation" movement, including the various individuals and organizations who have peddled the idea that the sexual binary is arbitrary.

The book closes with an analysis on how this dark chapter in medical abuse might end and what is needed for medicine to regain its obligation to do no harm.

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Ethics of Sex: From Taboo to Delight

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Ethics of Sex: From Taboo to Delight

Breaking through the noise of our hyper-sexualized Western culture, Ethics of Sex is a much-needed, masterful compilation that speaks to the nature of Christian sexual ethics as simultaneously positive and prohibitive. Ten distinct yet interrelated essays invite us back to a way of life in harmony with the Lord's created order, an order that bears fruit in intimacy, compassion, love, and joy.

Embrace the wisdom and counsel of these words, reminding all that Jesus' love for His Church forgives sexual sin and restores His people to fellowship in the kingdom of heaven-young or old, married or single. Our identity remains in Christ.

Essay topics include:

  • Male and female sex differences
  • Marriage
  • Polygamy
  • Contraception
  • Sex education
  • Self-pollution
  • Homosexuality
  • Transgenderism

  • ISBN/SKU: 

    Extra Nos: Discovering Grace outside Myself

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    Extra Nos: Discovering Grace outside Myself
    When reading the Bible, it is easy to get lost or to focus on one individual story. The danger in that is that the Bible can be seen as a bunch of independent stories that have no connection to or bearing on our lives. Hence, the Christian faith can easily become disconnected and compartmentalized. But as Life in Christ shows, each one of those biblical stories, and each one of us, is like a piece of a puzzle that is not independent but connects to form a larger picture of God's ongoing work of salvation. Life in Christ uses Scripture and Luther's Small Catechism to increase biblical literacy and to cultivate a love of the one true God and a desire to dwell with Him through Word and Sacrament. Primarily for Lutheran adults who want to firmly understand Holy Scripture and the Christian faith, Life in Christ also can help pastors teach the basics of the Christian faith and life.
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    Faith at Work: Christian Vocation in the Professions

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    Faith at Work: Christian Vocation in the Professions
    Contrary to societal norm, true vocation is not defined by income, or accolades, or personal satisfaction. True vocation is defined by God's call to serve those around us. Faith at Work offers insights for Christian professionals working in various fields. With contributions from professionals in Christian higher education, he seeks to encourage graduate students and working professionals to develop a theological, economic and philosophical foundation for understanding how professionals help others flourish, to examine several vocations from a Christian perspective, and to discover how said professions inform ethical issues in their field and society.
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    Faith in the Shadow of a Pandemic

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    Faith in the Shadow of a Pandemic

    This 2019 novel coronavirus has brought forth many new things for the church: things that previously the Christian community never had to consider. From how to administer the Lord's Supper during a time of social distancing, to wearing masks, and how one should deal with death, these are all topics having new light shed on them.

    John Pless and Jacob Corzine work together to give clarity through Luther's teachings, Psalms, Scripture, and personal experience to bring a well-rounded explanation concerning the Church and COVID-19. Written for all to read, consider, and understand, this book will remind you that God is with you always, even when sin tries to disorient us all. Faith in the Shadow of a Pandemic will reassure individual church members who suddenly find themselves in harrowing times without access to worship in their local congregation.

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    Faith That Shines in the Culture

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    Faith That Shines in the Culture
    "Today's culture is openly hostile to Christian beliefs. Modeling Marin Luther's teaching of the three estates, author Alfonso Espinosa shows how Christians should not only live but also be the light of God to those around them by projecting their faith actively in love to those they encounter in the three estates of family, church, and state. While the good works of. believers and unbelievers appear very much the same, Espinosa explores how the actions of Christians differ. He discusses how sanctification influences the daily interactions of Christians and shows that they are uniquely positioned to live in faith toward God and in love toward the neighbor"--
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    False Colors: The Flag of Our Occupation

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    False Colors: The Flag of Our Occupation
    Pride Used to Be a Sin--Now It Is the Flag of Our Occupation. In this shocking new book, Joy Pullmann shows how radical ideologues and sexual revolutionaries captured local schoolboards, major corporations, the Democratic Party, and the federal government.

    Their goals are remorselessly totalitarian. Their bureaucratic enforcers, without batting an eye, would gladly take away your job, close down your parochial school, and even separate you from your children.

    America is undergoing nothing less than a regime change. The country we once knew--its history, its Constitution, its Christian morality, its dedication to God-given individual rights--is under relentless attack by our own government, courts, and institutions. And lest we fail to appreciate our subjugation, every year we are forced for an entire month to bend the knee to the rainbow banner of conquest.

    Despite their enormous power, however, the cultural Marxists and their liberal enablers can still be beaten if Americans recognize what is at stake--before it is too late. Indeed, thousands of intrepid parents, working with conservative governors and legislators, are off to a good start. This essential book provides counterrevolutionaries with a strategy to build on those efforts. With courage, conviction, and faith, patriots can--and must--bring an end to the woke occupation of America. It's the only country we have.

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    Final Victory: Contemplating the Death and Funeral of a Christian - Milestones

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    Final Victory: Contemplating the Death and Funeral of a Christian - Milestones
    This is one of the four books intended to address the spiritual needs of Christians during milestone events of life.

    The death of a Christian is an important event as we receive all that God has promised, however grief and sorrow often hinder this thinking.

    Final Victory: Gives the pastor or Christian counselor a theologically sound, organized way to briefly present the hope and comfort of Scripture. Provides resources to help the pastor and mourner make and record the decisions of what will constitute the details of the funeral service. Provides a source of comfort in the days after the funeral for loved ones.
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    Five Things to Do at the Deathbed of a Loved One

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    Five Things to Do at the Deathbed of a Loved One
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    God's Encouraging Word: True Comforts When Worldly Advice Fails

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    God's Encouraging Word: True Comforts When Worldly Advice Fails
    We live in a society of self-help quotes and books that offer temporary solutions to long-term problems. These phrases offer little boosts of confidence but don't fix the underlying issue--the need for a Savior to lean on and find support in. Just like Eve, we are all tempted by sin and find ourselves grappling at empty sayings that promise we can "be" God rather than finding true support in trusting God. Turn to Jesus and find true help through Scripture in this debut book from Faith Doerr. Having experienced tragedy in her life and words of consolation, she takes common myths and phrases said for self-help or motivational quotes and debunks them before pointing you to how God offers His Word on the same topic. As you work through these eight myths, you can start to find true healing and hope in His words of comfort. Each chapter ends with a prayer, a gentle reminder based on that week's readings, and a journal prompt to help you reflect inwardly and grow in your faith.
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    Grace Upon Grace: Spirituality for Today

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    Grace Upon Grace: Spirituality for Today

    "Christian spirituality is, quite simply, following Jesus. It is the ordinary life of faith in which we receive Baptism, attend the Divine Service, participate in the Holy Supper, read the Scriptures, pray for ourselves and others, resist temptation, and work with Jesus in our given location here on earth." - from the Introduction

    The longing for spiritual fulfillment, inevitably paired with spiritual frustration, is common among Christians.

  • Do we read and study the Bible enough?
  • Do we worship often and in the right way?
  • Do we pray enough, in the correct way, and for the right things?
  • How do we become truly spiritual?
  • And the answers from numerous self-help spirituality books only lead to confusion and the fear of missing key steps on the road to becoming spiritual.

    In response, John W. Kleinig clarifies that there is no process for becoming spiritual. Instead, God graciously gives to us every spiritual gift that we need, beginning with the very gift of faith in Christ, our Savior. Because God has joined us to Christ, He continually comes to give us life.

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    Greater Than Grief: Two Brothers Against Duchenne

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    Greater Than Grief: Two Brothers Against Duchenne
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